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Fort Collins Cycling Club has a private, members-only group on the Band app and website. After you join this group (click, or scan the QR code above) to post or see posts from other members. We use it to announce and schedule ad hoc rides in addition to rides shown on the calendar. Once a ride is scheduled through the Band app, it is covered by our club insurance.

Here is a link to a video on our YouTube page demonstrating how to schedule a ride:

We have a members-only group on Strava. This app and website provide a common location to share your rides and workouts and see what your friends are up to. The dashboard below shows how many club miles have been recorded on Strava this week.

Facebook & YouTube

Our public Facebook group is a lively community with discussions about bicycle-related topics. We also post ride announcements and updates on the Facebook group as well as our calendar page. Click the Facebook icon above to visit our page.

We have created several YouTube videos and plan to add more. Please click the YouTube icon above to visit our channel.

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