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The Wild Animal Sanctuary Century Ride - 2015

  • 09/27/2015
  • 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Eastman Park, Windsor, CO


  • You can register and pay via Paypal, or if you would like to ensure deductibility of your donation, you can pay by check. Just complete the registration form, ignore the payment page and email payment request and bring a check made out to the Wild Animal Sanctuary the day of the ride or mail a check prior to the ride to:

    Kimberley Malone
    3406 Camelot Dr.
    Fort Collins, CO 80525

    If paying by check, we will manually update your payment status once we have received your check.

Century ride from Windsor to The Wild Animal Sanctuary and back.


Unfortunately, we did not have enough riders sign up for the ride and will have had to cancel.  If there is interest, we may revive the ride again for 2016.

Mark your calendars for one of the most unique rides of the year.  Ride with us to The Wild Animal Sanctuary on Sunday, September 27th, 2015, where you will be treated as VIPs at the Sanctuary lunch stop
and if you are lucky, you will be stalked by a tiger as you ride in (behind a fence, of course!).  The ride starts at Eastman Park in Windsor and wends it way through the eastern plains to the Sanctuary in Keenesburg and back again.  Here is the proposed route:

This club ride is financially supported by the Fort Collins Cycling Club for the enjoyment of its members, you must be a FCCC member to participate in this ride. If you are not already a member, please join the club and you will then be able to log into your account to register. The registration fee of $45 per rider is given to the Wild Animal Sanctuary as a donation.

Come experience
the great rolling support of Carl in the "Big Red Machine" and the wonderful hospitality of the volunteers who host the aid stations along the way.

You can register and pay via Paypal, or if you would like to ensure deductibility of your donation, you can pay by check. Just complete the registration form, ignore the payment page and email payment request and bring a check made out to the Wild Animal Sanctuary the day of the ride or mail a check prior to the ride to:

Kimberley Malone
3406 Camelot Dr.
Fort Collins, CO  80525

If paying by check, we will manually update your payment status once we have received your check.

Proposed route coming soon.

We also need some help with rest stops this year. If you or someone you know is willing to help out the day of the ride, it will help to make it a huge success. To volunteer or for more information please email Kimberley Malone.

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