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February 2022 board meeting summary

  • 02/14/2022 10:54 PM
    Message # 12600478

    Feb 2 - 2022

    Fort Collins Cycling Club Board Meeting Overview

    Membership update

    • Membership is up to 269 total members.

    Club Finances

    • This month the club paid its largest expenses for the year: Insurance ($1766) and Website Hosting ($1188).

      • Insurance is up from $1111 to $1766 due to increased membership.

      • Website Hosting is up from $972 to $1188 due to increased membership.

    • A summary of the clubs’ finances for 2021 was made by Linda. Over the whole year the club made around $350 more than it spent.

    • The board discussed raising membership dues from $15 to $25

      • The dues have never been raised in the clubs’ history.

      • Income / Expenses are fine for now but we are close to being in the negative.

    Holiday Party

    • The 2021 Holiday party was discussed and unfortunately Linda and Brent will not be able to host next year.

      • The club is looking for any volunteers to host next year's Holiday party or we may have to find some venue.

      • We will make a decision by the end of May regarding the venue. If we decide to rent a venue, it will be necessary to charge for attendance

    Upcoming Meetings

    • The next membership meeting is scheduled for Feb 23rd and we will have Colby Pearce, a professional American cyclist, coach and bike fitter to speak on the topics of the 6 foundations of health for cyclists and the 5 myths of cycling, followed by a Q&A session

    • The following club meeting will be in March where we plan to have ride leadership training and to discuss pace lines + hand signals.

    • The next board meeting will be on Feb 23rd.

    Community Partnerships

    • The club intends to form more partnerships with the bicycle community in town, similar to the agreement with Trek South for a 10% club member discount.

    • We want this initiative to be about connecting with people who already ride bikes in Fort Collins.

    • The board discussed posting fliers, handing out business cards, and setting up a booth along bike trails in town. Tracy is investigating what permits we may need for a booth.

    Jersey Redesign

    • The board is screening vendors to determine what company will produce this year's club jerseys.

    • We are more concerned with the quality of the jersey rather than its price (within reason).

    • The board is evaluating a sample jersey from Ascend and are building a list of other vendors to evaluate.

    • The board is considering redesigning the club logo. So far we have discussed keeping a similar color scheme and making the logo more inclusive as well as featuring Fort Collins.

    • T-Shirts may be made with the new logo on them this year to help spread awareness of the club.

    Ride planning for 2022

    • The board set up a meeting to discuss rides and routes for this year. The meeting will be on Feb 16th at the Harmony Library meeting room where we will plan A/B/C routes. Another meeting is set for March 8th to plan D and social routes.

    • Social rides are set to start in May and will be scheduled in early March.

    Major Club Events

    • Wanda’s ride will happen in September this year.

    • The board discussed a camping trip and Tracy has been put in charge of investigating further.

    Winter Bike To Work Day - Feb 11th

    • The club needs additional volunteers to help at the booth this year.

    • An email has been sent out to club members asking for volunteers.

    Last modified: 02/14/2022 10:54 PM | Anonymous
  • 02/14/2022 11:07 PM
    Reply # 12600488 on 12600478
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    One correction: (...) a meeting to discuss rides and routes for this year. The meeting will be on Feb 16th, but NOT at the Harmony Library meeting room where we will plan A/B/C routes. (It will be held at the club President's residence, instead.)

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