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We need hosts for Dinner and Brunch Socials

  • 04/29/2022 3:01 PM
    Message # 12760900

    If you are interested in hosting a once-per-month Dinner Social on a Thursday evening or Brunch Social on a Sunday morning, please let us know by using the Contact FCCC link. These events are great fun and give us an opportunity to visit with our ride buddies.

    These Social Meals follow a ride that starts and ends at the home of the host. The host sets the maximum number of attendees and provides a meal. The meal can be as simple as pizza or breakfast burritos or as elaborate as paella or a brunch buffet.

    Members make a donation to cover the cost of the meal. The typical suggested donation is $5 each, but the host can suggest a higher amount. Hosts are expected to report a summary of expenses back to the board and return any funds collected in excess of expenses. If there is a shortfall, the board may decide to help cover expenses if the budget allows (i.e., excess funds from other events). The Board prefers these events to be self-funding.

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