For our Holiday Party this year we return to Grey Rock Sports Grill. Here are the details:
Southwestern All American Grill Buffet: Angus Beef Hamburgers, Grilled Chicken Breasts, Coleslaw, French Fries, Garden Salad, Assorted Cheeses, Grilled Mushrooms and Onions, Bacon, BBQ Sauce, with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and Chocolate Chip Cookies .
Registration is open NOW! (click here) Your last chance to register is the 7th of December.
Cost: $25 per person, including water and soda. Adult beverages are available for purchase.
Pool tables, electronic darts, and other game equipment is available to us, too!
We will also have ♟ chess and other board games available for play.
At our Member Meeting on October 30 we broke up into groups to discuss the 2023 cycling season and make recommendations for next year. A summary of responses to our questions is below. Please reply to this email with your own ideas for each question.
Favorite Rides of 2023?
- Wanda's Ride
- Fall River Road
- Longview Trail to Loveland
- Hygiene
- Thompson Canyon
- Camping Trip + RMNP rides
- All of them / different levels of difficulty / riding with others
- Anything Marty planned
- Century to Boulder
- Carter Lake
What do you want more of?
- Socialization at aid stations
- Social rides of all paces / rides that are about something other than riding
- People to volunteer to lead rides.
- Education about being a ride leader / sweep
- Summer Picnic ride
- The club to help facilitate event connections - Who is going to what event
- Rotating breweries for ride starts
- Weekday morning rides
- New places with new people
- Safety training
- Dinner rides with cocktails
What do you want less of?
- Rides starting at different locations, couples having to split up.
- Less Grey Rock starting location
- Behavior that irritates drivers
- Calling out "Clear"
- Rides around tues/thurs (desire for rides on other days of the week)
What can the club do better?
- Helping people set goals and achieve them
- Communication on the route
- Prevent people from riding side by side
- Plan rides outside of the Fort Collins area.
- Website is confusing on where to start
- Emails / Newsletter consistency and having them further in advance.
- Push people to sign up for rides
What is the club good at?
- Variety of rides and choices for pace
- Welcoming to new members and varieties of people
What should the new board focus on?
- Keeping rides to advertised pace.
- New club kit
- Previous board should onboard new board
What do you want to see at meetings?
- More trip reports like Amy + Gary's presentation
- Professional speakers
- Bike shop maintenance
- Bike Fort Collins / what's happening this year
- Mentorship for people who want it
- Support for specific events
- Tips and techniques, pedaling, climbing
Where do you want to go?
- Highline Canal trail
- Mt Lemmon
- Destination rides with carpooling
- Rail trails
Just a quick reminder: if you are trying to figure out how to create an event in the Band App, we have a video on our YouTube channel here.
Leslie Walker is hoping to join a weeklong Bicycle Adventure Club ride summer-fall 2024. She's looking for a female roommate to join her on this adventure. You can contact Leslie by looking her up using the Member Directory menu selection on our website to send her a message.
We still have 1 FCCC jersey available for sale for $71, size Womens Medium.
Here is our schedule for member meetings this fall and winter. All meetings will be held in the private room at CB & Potts at Collindale Golf Course, 1441 E Horsetooth Rd, just east of Lemay. Meeting time is at 7:00, but please join us at 6:30 for socializing.
Thursday, November 30 (elections)
Tuesday, January 30 (Rundown of 2024 Cycling Events)
Tuesday, February 27
Tuesday, March 26
Ride On!
Your FCCC Board of Directors