Ride, Then Dinner-social
Ride briefing at 5:00 PM, Thursday.
Location: Amy E. and Gary C. residence, 537 Saint Michaels Drive.
Parking is limited in the Huntington Hills neighborhood! Please if you may, carpool and/or park around the corner by the clubhouse -- northwest corner of Fossil Creek Parkway at Skyway Drive.
After the ride, some of us are staying for the dinner-social. Registration is open May 1st through May 21st for the meal or until the maximum number (45) is registered. However, there is a Waiting List, so even if the maximum has been reached one may still be in the queue awaiting a cancellation.
A seven-dollar (suggested cash donation) is to be collected at the event from each one there who is to partake-of the food & beverage provided by the host.
If you'd like to consume 'adult' beverages, please bring your own.
Bring your own lawn chair and/or blanket, if you want to be sure to have one or both.
Even if we are not doing these bike rides, there is the dinner-social starting an hour earlier -- about 6 PM.
D-paced 14.6-miler with 500-vertical-feet, mostly on cement-paved recreation trails: ... Front Range Trail; North Trail; Long View Trail; Fossil Creek Trail; then, back.
'D' Map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42925227.
C-paced 19.4-miler with 1360-vertical-feet: ... Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area; ... (two) Horsetooth Res. dams, to Rotary Park, U-turn; return via (two) Horsetooth Res. dams, Harmony Road, Shields Street and Fossil Creek Drive to the path--Fossil Creek Trail, to the south side of the city.
'C' Map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35960173.
B-paced 24.4-miler with >1800-vertical-feet on a mostly out-and-back route: over the (four) dams of Horsetooth Reservoir, both ways; and the south side of Fort Collins.
'B' Map: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35960483.
Rides Starter: Martin Ditzel.
Ride Leaders: to be arranged.
Please, comply with our Ride Guidelines.